About Me

My photo
I live on 6 deeply wooded acres in the boonies of Middleville, MI. I'm married to an amazing man, Brian. He's pretty much the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm a big animal lover. I have 5 cats; Bella (6), Cognac (3), Georgia (3), Maggie (2), & Auggie (8-9mos.) We recently lost our kittens, Aesop & Amelia, to a battle with Feline Leukemia. I feel the need to mention them. They were amazing beings that showed unconditional love like no other cats I've had. I also have Cheech (9) that I'm fostering. We have two puppies; Charlie & Henry. Having a blast! I'm a dabbler in photography, photo shop, & crafts. I'm kind of a bookworm/nerd/geek. Yes, I have read the Twilight Series. No, I'm not obsessed. I love Shakespeare, Nathaniel Hawthorne, C.S. Lewis, and L. Frank Baum - among others, obviously.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Cogs Update

Well, I don't really have great news. We got the DNA panel results today from the virus that's causing Cognac's upper respiratory issues. We learned that Cognac actually has three viruses in his system. Two of the viruses are respondent with an antibiotic called doxycycline. So, he'll be going on that antibiotic very soon. The third virus is called the calicivirus. Click here to learn more. Basically there is no cure ...Yet.

In the meantime, we have to get all of our cats in to the vet as soon as possible to all get updates on their distemper shots. Our vet highly suggested that.

Our vet told us to give him 48 hours. He's going to be contacting MSU to see if there are any trial treatments that can be done with this calicivirus.

Please keep Cogs in your thoughts and prayers. The poor guy has been through so much in his 4 years here.

I'll update as soon as I can.


  1. hope things get better, love the picture! he looks so sweet!

  2. Sorry honey. Let's keep our fingers crossed. Remember, for most of those 4 years he has had you and Brian to show him a loving home and lots of love. Momma.
