About Me

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I live on 6 deeply wooded acres in the boonies of Middleville, MI. I'm married to an amazing man, Brian. He's pretty much the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm a big animal lover. I have 5 cats; Bella (6), Cognac (3), Georgia (3), Maggie (2), & Auggie (8-9mos.) We recently lost our kittens, Aesop & Amelia, to a battle with Feline Leukemia. I feel the need to mention them. They were amazing beings that showed unconditional love like no other cats I've had. I also have Cheech (9) that I'm fostering. We have two puppies; Charlie & Henry. Having a blast! I'm a dabbler in photography, photo shop, & crafts. I'm kind of a bookworm/nerd/geek. Yes, I have read the Twilight Series. No, I'm not obsessed. I love Shakespeare, Nathaniel Hawthorne, C.S. Lewis, and L. Frank Baum - among others, obviously.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cogs' Surgery & More

Well, Tuesday Cogs had his tooth removal surgery. The vet ended up giving him a shot of antibiotics so that we wouldn't have to fight with him to take a pill / grind up pills in his food.

When we picked him up he was terrified. But he was so happy to be united with Brian and I again. (Which, I'm slightly annoyed because our old vet must not have paid attention to us. In Cogs' medical records he was listed as a female... And they never mentioned that he got his vision back. So, at the vet they had been treating him as if he was blind.)

He came home and rested. We got him to eat a little bit of wet food, but he still seemed groggy. The next morning I woke up around 5:45 a.m. and he was cuddled up to me. He's such a sweetie. I cuddled with him for about 15 minutes before he eventually got off the bed.

Now that it's been a couple days, he seems comfortable and content. Though, he still has the runny nose. We're basically just waiting on the DNA panel (for the virus) to be sent back to us. Then he can get on the proper antibiotics to get rid of his runny nose. He'll be so much more comfortable when that happens. I can't wait.

This is him Tuesday night. You can tell by his large pupils that he's still groggy.

This is him tonight (Thursday, 2 days later). You can see that his nose is pretty runny still.

Closer view. This poor guy has always had issues with his upper respiratory system.

Cogs has been through so much that it makes me incredibly sad. In his 4 years he's had nothing but upper respiratory issues, an abscess from the back of his throat removed, a total of 8 teeth removed due to his immune system attacking the tartar on his teeth, and he went completely blind about a year and a half ago. Thankfully his vision was only gone for about 2-3 weeks.

I'm glad we switched vets. And I feel that things are going in the right direction for Cognac now.

And now...


Lots and lots of pictures...

Georgia. I love this picture.

Georgia again.


Bella up close.

Maggie. She looks so annoyed with me. But, maybe she was since I had a huge camera in her face.

Our nubby kitty. :)

Please excuse the mess that is our bed. But I had to post this picture. This is 4 cats in close proximity to each other... NOT FIGHTING. It's a rare shot. :)

Three in a row.

Cheech LOVES our new window kitty hammock. It's called a Sunny Seat. We got it at Meijer for $10 on clearance. It's an amazing find. Cheech is a 20 pound cat... He's been laying on it all week and it hasn't budged at all. (Oh, and we got new window treatments... I'll post a blog later about it... The new curtains were up for about 4 days before Charlie and Henry sent some tumbling to the floor.)

Cheech again.

Carlos and Henry.

Charlie's favorite spot is the recliner. He's in it constantly.

Charlie again.

Henry. Doesn't he just look so sweet and innocent?

Henry again.

Augustus. :)

Well, I hope you enjoyed the pictures.

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