About Me

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I live on 6 deeply wooded acres in the boonies of Middleville, MI. I'm married to an amazing man, Brian. He's pretty much the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm a big animal lover. I have 5 cats; Bella (6), Cognac (3), Georgia (3), Maggie (2), & Auggie (8-9mos.) We recently lost our kittens, Aesop & Amelia, to a battle with Feline Leukemia. I feel the need to mention them. They were amazing beings that showed unconditional love like no other cats I've had. I also have Cheech (9) that I'm fostering. We have two puppies; Charlie & Henry. Having a blast! I'm a dabbler in photography, photo shop, & crafts. I'm kind of a bookworm/nerd/geek. Yes, I have read the Twilight Series. No, I'm not obsessed. I love Shakespeare, Nathaniel Hawthorne, C.S. Lewis, and L. Frank Baum - among others, obviously.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Cognac Update

If you remember from past blog posts we had found out about two years ago that Cognac has an allergy to his teeth.

Today Cognac went to the vet. A new vet this time, too. Our past vet told us that Cognac would pretty much always have a runny nose.

Last weekend I was cuddling with Cognac on our bed and I noticed that he had horrible bad breath. Not just any bad breath... It smelled like it was infected. So, I called our vet's office and made the appointment.

The vet told us that Cognac doesn't really have an allergy to his actual teeth. It's more like his immune system attacks the tartar build up on his teeth.

Please keep Cognac in your thoughts and prayers this week. Tuesday he'll be knocked out and two more of his teeth will be taken out. (He had 6 taken out previously.) While he's out, the vet is going to swab his nasal cavity and he'll send the swab away to find out the genetic make-up of the virus that's causing his runny nose.

So, Cognac kind of has two things going on here. He has the problem with his teeth and then he has the problem with his upper respiratory system; nasal drainage.

All of this will take a couple weeks treatment-wise. And we're going to talk to the vet about getting Cogs regular cleanings to prevent future build up. We can't really clean his teeth on our own, either. Since all of these tooth problems started a couple years ago, he will NOT let us really touch his teeth. It has been a chore enough for him to let me remove his little nose boogies.

Please keep Cogs in your thoughts this week. He's got a lot of pain ahead of him.


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