He got me a Samsung TL225. It's technically a Christmas present... But him and I are both so bad at making the other wait.
Would you like to see some pictures?

Brian's monstrous egg burger at Bob Evans. We ended up having really bad service there. We shouldn't have to wait 15-20 minutes for a water refill. And since Brian can't really eat without something to drink, his food was cold by the time he was able to eat.

We think that Aesop is getting a fully developed eye and pupil now. It's not as sunken back as it was. And we can see a pupil now, where we couldn't before. In the future the vet suggested getting his third eyelid removed. As of right now, I'm not interested. Mainly because he is fe leuk positive. And it'll attack any infection in the body. And I'm worried about having to neuter him in a month or so because there's a small possibility the incision could get infected. Hopefully it'll go swimmingly and he'll test negative when we get them back in to be tested in about 5 months.

Now, I think Amelia is one of the sweetest little kitties I've ever come across. She's fragile, yet tough. And she's not afraid to play dirty when Aesop attacks her from behind.

Saturday we spent the whole day with Robert. He's been working hard and we hadn't seen him in weeks. We hung around in Gaines and went out to eat. Then went shopping at Target. After that we came back to our house and watched Land of the Lost (movie.)
And since it's one of his favorite meals, I cooked lasagna.

Bella is gorgeous. Cognac still feels the need to attack her from time to time. It seems like I'm squirting him with water every other day. He adjusted completely fine to the kittens... And will even play with them... So, I don't get it.
Here are a few sleepin' kitties...

Lastly, yesterday afternoon, Sara came over with Natilee.

We watched Yo Gabba Gabba with her for a little bit. Natilee's face brightens up with a huge smile.
That's all for now, I s'pose.
Scott and I are terrible with waiting to give our gifts to each other and to Harley! This year, I'm waiting! I've even resisted the urge to tell him what he was getting and as for Harley, his new little quad is at Kay's so I don't give in and give it to him.